276 pages
Fifty-five chapters
Paperbook ISBN: 978-0-9796308-1-1
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9796308-3-5
Copyright 2019
Published in Bozeman, Montana
“Award-winning author Lundberg follows up “Unifying Truths of the World’s Religions” with a well-researched and thoroughly referenced text… This book, by its very nature and depth, will spark thought-provoking conversations that make it a surefire must read.”
Hope & Guidance for a Troubled Planet
Excerpts from dozens of afterlife sources
The astonishing beauty of the Heaven World
How we spend our time in the afterlife
Our life review, judgment, Purgatory and Hell
Mind power, telepathy, and our spiritual bodies
Cities, government, recreation, and more
Most people don’t understand life’s true meaning and purpose because they don’t understand what happens after death. Our Magnificent Afterlife presents a unique overview of the various facets of the hereafter. Its fifty-five chapters cover such topics as:
·Our Brethren in the Afterlife Want Us to Know the Truth
The Incredible Beauty of the Afterlife
Purgatory and Hell
Life Review and Judgment
How Souls Spend their Time
The Afterlife is Far More Real and Tangible than Life on Earth!
Music and the Arts
Government in Divine Order
And many more descriptions of life after “death”
How Souls Spend their Time
The Afterlife is Far More Real and Tangible than Life on Earth!
The Spiritual Body
Cities in Eternity
Soul Groups
Mind Power and Telepathy
Halls of Learning
Recreation in the Afterlife
What is it Like to Experience Joy in Heaven?
““Our Magnificent Afterlife” is a must read for anyone who wants to know what to expect when at some point they must leave this world for the next. All this wisdom comes from those who have actually experienced heaven and gives us a step by step approach to this amazing and perfect experience that awaits all of us. I can assure you, after reading this book by David Lundberg, you will no longer have that greatest fear of all, the fear of death.””
By the end of Our Magnificent Afterlife: Beyond Our Fondest Dreams, you will understand why life is more beautiful and loving than most people realize. You will understand how we learn and grow forever in ever-greater degrees of divine consciousness. You will grasp the divine and loving logic behind karmic justice as every soul is filled with a strong desire to reach greater degrees of spiritual evolution.
“Our Magnificent Afterlife” is a book whose time has come. It will open the door for many who are elderly and are very concerned for what is ahead. This information is paramount for preparation for the end of life.
--Rev. Carl Showalter, Director, Spiritual Awareness Fellowship
Lundberg’s excellent research brings to us many detailed communications coming from those who are experiencing their magnificent afterlife, and those who have returned following near-death experiences…so we can make the most of our lives here and now.
--Albert V. Fredricksen, author of Resume of a Disciple: Stepping Up Spiritually
C. David Lundberg is the award-winning author of Unifying Truths of the World’s Religions. A lifelong spiritual researcher, he has organized the findings of dozens of different afterlife sources that share descriptions of what the afterlife is like and how it works. Our Magnificent Afterlife is a significant new resource that offers hope, comfort and guidance for anyone who has questions or concerns about what happens next.